Lupus Therapeutics Collaborating with PPD to Accelerate Lupus Clinical Research

PPD, Inc. issued a press release  today announcing its collaboration with the Lupus Research Alliance affiliate Lupus Therapeutics to optimize lupus clinical research among its pharmaceutical and biotech clients. As a contract research organization, PPD helps its clients design and implement clinical trials.

PPD expects to gain from Lupus Therapeutics’ deep clinical trial design expertise and in-depth knowledge of lupus specifically as well as access to top researchers through its Lupus Clinical Investigators Network (LuCIN). Through PPD, Lupus Therapeutics will be able to offer people with lupus more opportunities to take part in well-controlled clinical trials testing novel medicines.

“With the urgent need for new lupus treatments, we look forward to working with PPD on ways to accelerate and optimize the development of lupus clinical research,” said Albert T. Roy, executive director, Lupus Therapeutics. “We anticipate that the combined scientific, operational and drug development expertise within our two organizations will significantly increase the efficiency of lupus trials and enable us to obtain the lupus community’s perspective to incorporate into studies while they are being designed. Our goal is to deliver new therapies as quickly as possible that meet patients’ priorities.”

Source: Press Release PPD, Inc.

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